利比里亚拥有丰富的自然资源,包括水, 矿产资源, 森林, 气候适宜农业生产. While the nation’s complex history has previously limited infrastructure and urban growth there are now indicators that sectors such as energy, 矿业, 信息通信技术, and transportation are on the rise with positive investment and political commitment underpinning long-term goals.

利比里亚正处于过渡阶段, emerging from a post-conflict society to a developing country; there have been big efforts made to attract private investors and to reduce corruption. 现任政府在调整利比里亚政治方面取得了进展, 经济, and institutions for development of the country and this is creating opportunities for international stakeholders to increase their presence and support Liberia in realising it’s potential.

Bilateral relations between PG电子官方免费下载 and Liberia have been strong for many years and PG电子官方免费下载 has been one of Liberia’s largest donors of foreign aid. This relationship has evolved from the historical donor position to active development investment. 2020年12月,PG电子官方免费下载内阁决定拨款1PG电子官方免费下载克朗.为PG电子官方免费下载与利比里亚的五年发展合作提供850亿美元. 这一策略, running from 2021-2025 spans several developmental areas including support for inclusive economic development.

The economic potential of Liberia is considerable and Swedish companies have the potential and scope to contribute with value and solutions to help the market progress in the right direction and boost already emerging sectors.

利比里亚是一个发展中的国家, 今天作出的决定和投资将在未来许多年产生影响. 现在得到它是必要的.

以下四个领域备受关注: 能源、矿业、信息通信技术和交通运输


对利比里亚能源部门的研究表明存在巨大的投资机会, 水电潜力巨大,太阳能发展空间大. 由欧盟和多边开发银行资助的几个项目正在进行中, offering excellent opportunities for Swedish companies to participate in the affiliated procurement processes.


The country’s natural resources offer great economic potential and in the 矿业 industry and Swedish companies could contribute significantly in the vast transition needed to create a more sustainable industry. The importance of this transition goes beyond economic gains and reduced environmental damage; in Liberia, 这也是一个社会可持续性和人权问题. PG电子官方免费下载在60年代的存在, 通过利比里亚美洲PG电子官方免费下载矿业公司(LAMCO), 在PG电子官方免费下载和利比里亚的关系中产生了善意.

信息 & 通信技术

虽然信息通信技术在该国仍是一个新兴行业,但它蕴含着巨大的增长潜力. 2020年1月, 利比里亚有四百万移动连接, 相当于83%的人口, 而移动连接在2019年至2020年期间增长了32%. There are also development strategies and roll-out plans to digitalise registration and acquisition of several services including national identification cards, 驾驶执照, 护照, 以及居留和工作许可. Swedish companies have the expertise and strategic knowledge that will be invaluable to help Liberia’s e- governance momentum and possibly expand the frontier.


To enhance economic, as well as social development in Liberia, transport is a fundamental component. 据估计约为1.6亿美元, 接近GDP的8%, 每年花在道路和桥梁上的钱是多少.  The National Transit Authority (NTA) of Liberia is open for public-private partnerships to improve its fleet of buses and bus terminals, 扩大利比里亚的内陆公路运输网络. 考虑到良好的交通系统至关重要, 这与所需的基础设施一起, 为外国利益相关者提供大规模的投资机会, 一些双边和多边捐助者正在参与公路部门的工作.

The future of Liberia is being defined and the investments and strategic direction taken now will shape the country for generations to come. PG电子官方免费下载商业 and the Embassy of PG电子官方免费下载 in Liberia have co-created a report exa矿业 Liberia’s current situation and potential for growth with special emphasis on opportunities for Swedish companies, as well as strategic considerations and recommendations for successfully navigating the market conditions.

我们的报告, 利比里亚:一个正在崛起的市场 provides detailed analysis and exploration of Liberia’s current and future growth opportunities.
